Good Fish Guide

Music in this video, “Petit talibé” by Löhstana David is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 and is available here.

For my Final Major Project at Winchester School of Art, I decided to try and tackle a complex problem: when choosing fish at point of purchase, how does the consumer know and remember which fish are sustainably sourced?

We are often told that fish stocks are depleted and that only certain fish should be purchased. When we’re in the supermarket, how often do we remember which are the ‘good’ ones?

I designed an app and website to try to combat this problem with a clear list of fish; which are good, bad, and alternatives. The app and website both provide recipes for each fish, enabling the user to see dishes they could create from a fish they may not have tried before; with the ability to see what ingredients are needed. Although I only created designs for each stage and (as far as I know) it doesn’t exist, I think it would be a useful resource for consumers nationwide.

To raise awareness of the guide I also created a promotional campaign of posters featuring images (under Creative Commons licenses) of fishermen proudly displaying their day’s catch. These were used to demonstrate local traditions and expertise that are dying away, with bigger, more aggressive methods being used. I also developed packaging designs as a spin-off venture!

Good Fish Guide packaging mockups
Good Fish Guide advert mockups

First image: ‘Fish’ by Konstantin Ryabitsev, used under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic license, from Flickr. Second and third images: ‘Fishing Trip Album’ by Phillip, used under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license, from Flickr.

Some more of my work: